Friday 18 September 2015

Key features of a magazine cover

I have use Photoshop to create an image showing all the key features of a magazine cover.

I have labeled the key features that are widely use in many different types of magazines.
The Masthead is the name of the magazine which is sometimes shortened if it is to long.
Essential Info is usually in the top left corner of the cover, under the Masthead, and contains the date, issue number, the price and the web address. However this particular magazine doesn't seem to have any.
The Main Coverline is an enigma that teases the audience, hinting at the hidden secrets of the magazine, drawing them in.
The Sub-Head is a few short lines that explains the Main Coverline, giving slightly more information.
The Coverlines hint what other secrets the magazine hides.
The Main Image builds identity of the magazine and is the main attraction to the target audience.
Sub-Images are the other smaller images that are either at the bottom or sides of the Main Image.
Bubbles draw your attention to any offers or challenges the magazine has to offer.

1 comment:

  1. Courtney, you have identified the main features of a magazine cover, with an overview of their purpose.
